Monday, April 23, 2018

Tracting in my dreams. . .

Children in the MTC

It has been wonderful for President and Sister Howes to have some of their family here for a visit.  Luke and Jerusha arrived last week.  Luke left for home Saturday morning early to be back in Adelaide for his Stake Conference.  Jerusha and the kids will leave early tomorrow morning.  Dallin and Cathrine and their three children came a couple days ago as well.   It has been fun to see children in the MTC and to hear their little voices and happy feet running down the halls.  In one of the meetings on Sunday the Zone leader asked whoever was making the cat sound to please stop.  He thought one of the missionaries was acting immaturely but it was little Lily meowing.  We loved it.  It will be an experience they never forget as they have watched the missionaries and heard their Poppy (grandpa) and Grammy teach and watched them lead the missionaries.  Jerusha told me last night that Vienna had asked her how long she has to wait until she can become a missionary.   Jerusha asked if she wanted to be one and she enthusiastically replied that she did.   The years of waiting will slip away rapidly and it will be Vienna's turn.

We were invited to the MTC to share a meal with them in the Presidents home.  We visited into he night enjoying the good company.  It was the first time Blaze, Ethan, and Vienna had tasted Chinese take out and they could understand how people can live on this fare.

Luke, Blaze and Vienna share Chinese Take Out with us

 On Temple day, I stayed with the kids so Luke and Jerusha could attend the session with the missionaries.  Jerusha's grandparents and parents had been married in the Hamilton Temple and this was their first time inside.   Blaze, Ethan, Vienna and I had great adventures ourselves.

Blaze, Ethan, and Vienna Howes at the Visitors Center

Elder Stout showed us around  the visitors center like we were special guests

We watched two videos there.  They are called 'Days of Harmony' about Oliver Cowdery and one about David Whitmer and finishing the translation at the Whitmer home.   At the end of the 2nd one David Whitmer makes the statement that the work was finally finished to which Joseph replies, "No the work has just begun!"  As we watched, even the children felt like I did, a great desire to be a part of this great work - the marvelous work and wonder of the last days.  It truly is the work of God.  What a wonderful thing that we can each do our small part.

He let us have our own 4 seater movie room to watch new videos from the Church
Blaze, Vienna, and Ethan by the Christus

Special treatment continued at the Matthew Cowley Church Museum of the Pacific.  President Summerhays who is the director of the Museum personally gave us a tour of the museum showing the kids all the interactive things available there.

President Summerhays instructs Vienna, Blaze and Ethan

I said goodby to Rangi - it may well be our last chance to see her

I also said goodbye to Elder Parker Rangi's dear husband

 We met the missionaries at the Stake Center for lunch.  It was too big of a group to fit in the cafeteria of the temple especially since it is a holiday and the temple was filled with other patrons as well.  It seemed that the missionaries loved the pizza and cookies.  Look at this amazing High Counsel room in the Stake Center.  It is the most amazing Stake Center we have seen.

Lunch with the missionaries

Ethan, Sister Howes, Blaze and Luke enjoying Pokeno Ice Cream
stopping for a  treat on the way home

Two big scoops is 3$ - one of the few bargains we have seen in NZ

 All good things must end.  It was a little sad saying goodbye last night.  We find it interesting that our friendship with the Howes began because of missions.  Paul and Luke became such good friends as companions.  They are like brothers.  We have taken both Callie and Dallin to the MTC when they left for their missions and spent a little time with us before we took them to Provo.  And now The Howes and the Thatchers are serving together in New Zealand - only in the church!  We told Blaze, Ethan, and Vienna that when they get their mission calls if they come to the Provo MTC, we will carry on the family tradition and have them come to Paradise before we drive them to the MTC.

Tracting and dreams

At the MTC we are taught well about listening and responding to the Spirit.  President Howes teaches us powerfully that the Spirit is always talking to us, that He will guide us and that we must listen and act.  We left the MTC a week ago after a wonderful Sunday where we had been taught about recognizing the Spirit.

I fell asleep that night and had a dream.  It was of a young man that we had met months before after teaching his mother and little sister.   We had been impressed that his little sister adored him so much.  We quit teaching the mother when the father told us they were not interested and to not come back.  We hadn't thought of them since and then I had this dream.  I saw the young man in the van where we had first met him.  I saw his little sister jumping in his arms and hugging him around the neck.  I woke up trying to remember who he was.  The memory came back.  I could remember the house and the street where they lived and fell back to sleep trying to remember his name.   I had the same dream again with a little more detail.  I remembered that his name was Simon. This time as I woke I nudged Elder Thatcher and told him that we needed to go visit Simon, that he was the one we were supposed to teach not his mother.  Elder Thatcher was like me.  It took a while before he even remembered the family and who I was talking about.  As we had fallen asleep that night Elder Thatcher had said that if he could live this mission over he would try to find and teach more young people.

That Monday we went to Simon's home.  We were greeted by the little sister Shilo and another Sister Lila.  Lila looked surprised to see us.  We asked for her mother or Simon.  Neither came to greet us but Lila said Simon said we could come back the next day.

Often when we have an appointment the people are not there and we worried that this would be the case.  But Lila answered again and before long we were sitting in the kitchen with Simon and Shilo.   We told Simon about the dream and told him we would be going home in two weeks but couldn't leave without giving him the message of the restoration.

He told us he had almost joined the church before and just stopped short of baptism.  His brother was a member.  He knew about Joseph Smith so we asked if he had heard the story of the Angel Moroni.  He had not.  We told the story as he listened attentively.  We showed him a picture of the Salt Lake Temple with the Angel Moroni on the top.  He was fascinated by that.  We gave him another Book of Mormon with a reading assignment.  He plays league Rugby and practices every night with games on Saturday.  We have another  appointment with Simon today.  We will keep you posted.

Elder Thatcher is determined that before we leave in only days now, we will have tracted out the whole ward boundary.  That means we have work to do.  We went tracting on Saturday and met some wonderful people.

Dan Amosa plays American Football and his 3 children play America Baseball.  He works with troubled youth.  He knew a lot about the church telling us he mates had tried to baptism him in his youth.  He agreed to let us teach him but we couldn't find a time.  He said he could meet on Thursday but that is our intake day at the MTC.  I mentioned that the only time we could meet on Thursday would be at 6:00 am.  'That's perfect!' he told us, 'I am always up early'.  That is how we have a 6:00 am appointment on intake day at the MTC.  The Howes got a big kick out of the story.

Dan Amosa - 44 years old and in amazing shape!

We met a wonderful Mormon family who go to the Samoan ward in our church.  They had a cousin over with them who is not a member and we made an appointment for when Lucky and his parents can be there with us.  Molly is 20 and working on her mission papers.

Carl 10, George 2, Lucky 5, Miranda 6, Molly 20
We stopped at Lucky's home and met his mother Taliilagi Leota.  All the children followed us into the house and were causing a ruckus so we put on the video 'I Am a Child of God' for them.  The room quieted, the Spirit came and Taliilagi was moved by the song.  She asked how she could listen to it at their home.  We told her the church web site where she could find it.   We are excited to teach her this week.

Lucky's beautiful mother and baby sister

Our investigators Alofa and Leai had a death in the family this past week.  For Samoans that means many visitors and family staying over.  We stopped by with some food we thought they could use feeding every one.  Alofa is a member but not a very faithful one.  His wife Leai is the more spiritual in the family and loves God and tries to follow him.  She wants to combine the family in one religion.  She was raised Baptist but Alofa loves the Mormon church so she has been investigating.  She is such a good person and is faithful reading what we ask her to.  We know she doesn't have a testimony of the restoration yet maybe because the members of the church she is familiar with are not faithful saints.  She has a beautiful spirit about her and teaches her children to follow God and pray always.  Their little son Salor prays for Aaron every day.   If the family forgets to mention Aaron in their prayers he reminds them.  

Alofa, Amy, Fetauai, Fono, Salor and Elder Thatcher

Salor, who always remembers Aaron in his prayers

Meet your competition! 

  It was my turn to lead the singing for our District Meeting last Tuesday.  Elder Thatcher thought we should sing 'Master the Tempest is Raging'.  We explained a little about how we sing it traditionally in the Thatcher family.  The first verse was well done and seemed to give them the idea because by the 2nd and 3rd verse they were amazing.  There are only 4 Elders in the district right now but these Polynesian Elders know how to PROJECT!  They loved singing it and shook the walls with the words, EARTH AND SKIES!  We told them they put out more volume than our whole big family can muster and they were pleased with that.  Elder Canite, our District leader commented that the tradition would have to be carried by those in the room to the next generation. 

The District
Elder Lamaga, Elder Thatcher, Elder Leao, Elder Lutui, Elder Canite (from Baguio)

That just about wraps up this past week.  There is always more to share but there is also much to do and I need to be up and doing.  It has been wonderful to share our adventures with all of you back home during our mission.  We hope you have been able to feel our testimonies that have grown and burn in our hearts.  We hope you have been able to see a little of the Lord moving in his majesty as he directs this great work of the Latter Days.  

We also hope that maybe you have felt a desire growing in your own hearts to do more to further the work of the Lord.  There is so much work to do wherever we are but we hope that especially our grandchildren have felt the tugging of the Spirit and an excitement growing in their hearts for the time when they will be able to serve the Lord on a full time mission.  Just like Vienna, we hope they are asking how much longer they have before they can serve.  We hope that they can serve a mission, when they have grown a foot or two.  We hope by then they will be ready to teach and preach and work as missionaries do. 

Back Home Happenings

Happy Birthday Andrew! We are so proud of your good productive life. We love you.

Handsome Andrew

Happy Birthday also to Megan who is enjoying Spring in England.
Happy Birthday to Benson who is growing up so fast and enjoying his new house.
Happy Birthday to June as well who is the cutest June Bug we know. 

All three of these last birthdays are on the same day - April 30th - that's a record for the Thatcher family.  

We love you all and will be seeing you shortly.  Thank you for the prayers and goodness that you send and are.  You are our happy thought.

Mom and Dad
Grandpa and Grandma
Elder and Sister Thatcher

Monday, April 16, 2018



The fruit here in New Zealand has been great.   Fruit is plentiful at the MTC.  The missionaries have fruit and a chewy bar every night before they go to bed and there is a variety of fruit at the meals.  We love the potawatomi plums that are served with yogurt for breakfast, they are the most beautiful purple color.

The bananas here are wonderful.  We like the small ones that have a lemony taste to them.  Elder Thatcher loves the citrus here and thinks surprisingly, that the best citrus comes from the US.  Back home I was the one that bought the little mandarins or cuties because they are so nice for the grandchildren, but grandpa didn't have much use for them.   Here in New Zealand however,  mandarins are always a treat.  He loves them.

We have both become big fans of kiwis.  The green kiwis are great but the golden ones are, as Sister Howes calls them, 'the food of the Gods'.

 I have blueberries almost every morning and the strawberries are wonderful too.  We have even found raspberries here - there are nice berry farms growing all kinds of berries in Auchland.   Have any of you tasted Cackleberries?

Meet Tony. . .

Tony 'The Pirate' with President Thatcher

Tony is one of 3 Chefs at the MTC.  He is the one with the most personality.  President Thatcher calls him 'The Pirate' because he acts like a pirate.  He talks like a pirate.  He is quite loud and jovial as he talks to every missionary in his heavy New Zealand accent while he serves up their food.  His chatter is always fun.  He bends and sways as he walks and moves quickly taking care of all the missionaries in good time.  Tony serves cackleberries for breakfast.   Do any of you know what they are?  Have you tasted them?

Tony making meat pies for the missionaries

Every Thursday when we attend the temple the Head Chef at the temple prepares the most delicious meal for us.  It is by far the best food we have had in New Zealand and she never disappoints. Her name is Sister Poulava.  She is Samoan and is known for her amazing food, her speed of preparation and the way she presents the food so beautifully. Sister Poulave uses Cackleberries in many of her dishes.

One of the other cooks told us on Thursday that the top man in charge of the cafeterias in all the temples came to New Zealand to find out how she does it.  Her food is the best served in any of the temples - the most beloved and admired, and yet she is always under budget where many temple cafeterias go way over budget.  He wanted to know how she does it.  So do we.  I would love to volunteer my services just to watch her work and see how she makes her sauces and seasons her food.  'Proud to serve under you!' (name that movie) I would say, if I could ask to be her assistant.  I would take pictures of the buffets she serves us but we aren't supposed to take pictures in the temple.  We slipped into a corridor where I could get a picture of the Kitchen wizard of the temple.

Sister Paulava - the much admired cafeteria wizard at the Temple

Eating out can be fun as well.  We were taken to lunch at an Indian restaurant this past week. President and Sister Howes, Sister Nasu and Abinadi who run the MTC took us as a departing luncheon.  The food was great and the company was wonderful.  We all ordered buttered chicken - yum!

Farewell lunch with Abinadi, Sister Nasu and President and Sister Howes

Storms and Safety

Elder and Sister Cardon visit with President and Sister Howes after the Devotional

We have had some stormy weather here of late.  There was a cyclone off Tahiti and we have gotten some of the wild weather and heavy rains here.

Elder Cardon was here for our Devotional last Tuesday. As he spoke the storm was raging outside. You could hear the wind howling even from the safety of the Moroni room.   He spoke about how though storms would rage in the last days, we could be safe and warm within the covenants of the Lord and protected by following the counsel of Prophets and apostles.  It was a good object lesson.

He also taught us about 'ministering'.   He talked of Home Teaching being changed to' Ministering'.   He took us all to 3 Nephi 11 and had us read in the heading before the chapter where it reads, 'Jesus Christ did show himself . . .  'and did minister unto them' . . . on this wise . . .'  

Elder Cardon asked all the missionaries, many of whom speak other languages, what word is used for 'minister' in their language.  Some speak french, one German, some Tongan, and Samoan.  We have missionaries this intake from China, one from Korea, and two from Japan, one from Malaysia and some from Kiribati.  Then he would ask what their word for minister means.  In some languages it meant to teach, or to serve, or instruct and other words like that.  He told us that 'minister' means more than any of those words and combines them all.  'If you want to know what ministering is you should study 3rd Nephi and see what the Lord does with the people.' he said.  'That is how you minister.'  he told us.

I've thought of how the Savior taught, reminded, corrected (when they had forgotten something), healed, blessed, let them close to him to handle him, served, strengthened, invited, prayed with, forgave, organized, tarried (when they didn't want him to leave), encouraged, gave assignments,  praised, and on and on and on.  It truly is a syllabus on how to minister.

He told us that while the storms rage in these last days to listen and not quench the spirit that will tell us when we are about to take a wrong step and have the courage to respond to that voice.  If we do that, we will have safety and find sunshine in our lives even during the great storms of the latter days.

Well, there is your inspiration from the MTC for this week.

Elder Cardon with President Howes
Of late we have had several General Authorities walk the Holy Halls of the MTC

Zone Conference

We enjoyed Zone Conference this last week.  President Walker taught us well.  We left with new insights and desires to do better.  It was our last zone conference so we, along with other missionaries who are finishing their missions were asked to bear our last testimony.

It was wonderful to see so many of the missionaries we have had at he MTC.   Goodbyes were sweet.

Elder Damuni in the center is from Kent's ward in Providence
He is back from the Cook Islands and is already a Zone Leader
We also had Elder Tuala and Elder Malama at the MTC

Elder Ah Kam, Elder Malama dn Elder Vur all fresh from the MTC
Sister Tapu and Elder Peresetene are brother and sister
They are MTC graduates as well

Sister Falute in the middle was Sister Beus's companion at the MTC
Sister Falute and Sister Brown are doing a great job in the Tamaki 2nd ward
She has had 4 baptisms

Elder Bast from Germany has been a joy to watch grow into a fine missionary

Sister Lai just left the MTC and will be great

President Thatcher, Elder Maicharoenkul from Tailand (Pres. Thatcher calls him simply Elder Mike),  Sister Thatcher, Elder Peresentene

Sister Blanford (I always thought she looks like Emily's sister Michele), Sister Park and Sister Briggs

Sistr Chaves, one of our all time favorites from Brazil
is the trainer for Sister Willcocks who just left the MTC last week

Sister  Tatafu finally got her visa to the Philippines

Elders Galdino from Brasil and Vanimi from India
Elder Galdino was one of the ones we worried the most about in the MTC
He has done great! We are so proud of both of these elders

Zone Conference in Mangere

Howick Historical Village

We visited a Historic village just a few miles from Manukau.  It's history is similar to the pioneers in Utah - the first 'fensibles' came to New Zealand in 1847.  Fensibles were military men who came with their families to defend the newly created New Zealand country of England from the Maori's who they feared would attack to get their country back.  They were promised a home and 2 acres of land if they stayed for 7 years.  Most did stay as life here was much better than back in England.  In fact the life expectancy more than doubled for those who left England for this pleasant land.

Who were the 'Fencibles'?

This is how they lived the first years here

Then things got better

We wondered if crickets destroyed their crops - actually their coming saved some from the Potatoe famine of Ireland

These are 'Siamese cabins' they would house two families and were a step up from the last huts

We loved how they used every inch of space in the cabin - good spot for tools

Single family cottage - even nicer

The Pub

Loved the General Store (which looked a lot like the cottages)
Remember how dad used to take pictures of your sporting events and because he was so involved in watching the action he often times didn't get you in the picture?  Well . . . I asked dad to take a picture of me in the General Store. . .

He makes me look a fraction of my usual self. . .

This time I seem to have shrunk to half my size. . . 

3rd time was the charm

The officers got nicer homes

even  porches

Quite lovely - just my style

Aunt Leah would have loved this closet - just her style

water pumps by the wells

The church

The graveyard on the outside

lovely spot for worship on the inside 

There were several school in the little village

My kind of math

Queen Victoria and Prince Albert displayed in the school

The Alphabet hung along the wall - Notice how the letter B is illustrated by the Bible
I love this beautiful Victorian Art

milk house

Duck pond

cottage constructed with mud bricks

Mill house

We paid the dollar and watched the wheel turn to grind the flour

Another school

I would have liked to be a student here
it looked like they were awaiting a visit from the Mad Hatter

You could play with the toys
This one is Jacob's ladder - the wooden dolls descend from above down the pegs
Murphy, do you think you could build one for the grandchildren 

Victorian Marble Race - Elder Thatcher's marble won - he has always had a way with marbles

In a sewing parlor these were on display - couldn't we copy these designs for baby blessing dresses?

The courthouse with places for the accused to stand

Queen Victoria - she ruled quite an empire

The finest of all the homes

The Drawing Room

The Kitchen

One of 6 bedrooms

The dining Room

Visitors at the MTC

Fresh off the plane from Adelaide to the MTC - sort of like missionaries
Jerusha, Luke, Vienna, Blaze, and Ethan Howes

just before Sacrament Meeting in the Moroni Room
Vienna, Jerusha, Blaze, Ethan, and Luke

While the Presidency interviewed the missionaries I interviews the prospective missionaries
My interview with Ethan Howes - he's going to be a good one!
We were a great team in the Devotional on Recognizing the Spirit
Blaze, Luke, Vienna, Sister Thatcher, President Thatcher, Ethan


Samantha is a few days out from her surgery.  She is doing well.  She had to have a little more surgery yesterday because of fluid and a little infection but the liver is working well and they all seem  relieved.  She was her happy self when we visited yesterday and Antonina said the ward had been wonderful bringing so many gifts and feeding them every night.

Moses came while we were there and was so tender with her
she likes to play games in the hospital just like some other patients we know

Sister Naomi seemed so relieved that Samantha is doing well

Samantha at the hospital - notice her name banner on her wall that Lorraine sent 

And now. . . Cackleberries unveiled. . .


Did you figure out what Cackleberries were before you saw this picture?   If so, you are better at this New Zealand lingo than we are.  It's a pretty good descriptive word for eggs, don't you think!  President Thatcher tells Tony to put two, perfect, uncracked, Cackleberries on his plate every morning.  I order two as well and love to watch how he tosses them with abandon onto the plates.  He always makes mealtimes fun and brings a smile to the faces of the missionaries.  We hope you enjoy your cackleberries back home.   Bon Appetite!

Birthdays back home

Happy Birthday Lauren.  We were hoping that the grandchildren wouldn't change while we were away but that was false hope.  Everyone is growing up. We hope your birthday was wonderful.

Lauren and June both have April birthdays
Lauren - April 12
June - April 30

Maddie has a birthday this week.  We will be thinking of you Maddie.  Looks like you have been thinking of others and having lots of cousin fun.

Evelyn, Katie, Maddie, Kaitlyn, Brig and David all giving Hannah a heart attackπŸ’œπŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’›
Maddie - April 19

Ivie got her cast off while Emma broke her little elbow - cast on

Ivie got her cast off

Emma gets one on - So sorry Emma

We love you all.  Sorry for the long, long post.  If I had more time I would edit it and cut, cut, cut.
The church is true and we must be too! Have a wonderful week.  We will be seeing you all soon.

Mom and Dad
Grandma and Grandpa
Elder and Sister Thatcher